Today at East Ridge Middle School, 7th grade students on Team 2 took to the stage where they brought short stories to life before the eyes of fellow team members, teachers, and principal, Mr. Marty Fiedler.
The multi-faceted academic event, brainchild of 7th grade English teacher, Elizabeth Misiewicz, was the culmination of the team's extensive study of short stories. "The first marking period focused on short stories - everything from the elements to authors craft and how they work together to create an effective literary piece," explained Misiewicz.
Misiewicz created groups of 4 to 5 students and challenged them with the task of writing their own short stories. But, there was a twist. "The theme of their short story had to be crafted around one of the aspects of PRIDE," said Misiewicz. PRIDE, a brand new school initiative, promotes student growth in Personal responsibility, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence.
Misiewicz chose the top short story from each English class that best communicated the PRIDE message. Each group had two weeks to rewrite their short story into a simple play, rehearse the play, and gather props and costumes. "The students practiced before and after school," explained Misiewicz.
Stockel and Ducey had the tough job of selecting the group of students who best communicated the PRIDE message through writing and acting.
The short play titled "Mighty Lies", which focused on the importance of living a life of honesty, was awarded top prize. The play followed Brooke McGraw (Olivia) on an interview for her "dream job" where Brooke created a web of lies in the hope of landing the position. The actors and actresses were compelling, and the plot was creative and clear.
Hats off to all of the 7th grade students in team 2 and for Ms. Misiewicz for your hard work and dedication. You all truly exemplify PRIDE.