The Lion’s Heart Boys, Class of 2021 group in Ridgefield, CT, collected over 100 coats and boxes of books to donate to Family and Children’s Aid in Danbury, Connecticut. Family and Children’s Aid (FCA) is a not-for-profit organization that provides innovative mental health care and therapeutic support for children and their families. The boys were able to get a tour of the facility and learn about services offered by FCA.
“Lion’s Heart is different from any other teen volunteer organization in the country,” said Terry Corwin, Lion’s Heart Founder. “Not only do we encourage integrity and a sense of community responsibility, we are also dedicated to developing leadership skills. It is our mission to help our Members develop skills at Lion’s Heart that will help them achieve success throughout life. What also sets us apart is that our Members do not participate in any fundraising.”
Currently, the Lion’s Heart chapter in Ridgefield has 354 active Members in 24 groups organized by age and gender. "This was so different than simply donating coats and books. Touring the facility, having mental health care explained, and realizing how many children and families have passed through FCA, really resonated with the boys. Our group has committed to continue volunteering with Family and Children’s Aid,” said Julia Bruce, the Lion’s Heart Class Coordinator for Ridgefield Boys Class of 2021.