In May, Ms. Jennifer Roth, teacher at East Ridge Middle School, was named the 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year.
Roth helped Ridgefield Public Schools kick off the school year with an inspiring speech to all Ridgefield Public School educators.
Roth spoke about stories. "Because everybody has a story," she said. "A series of many, many events in your life that make you into the person you are today. Take a look at the person to your left and to your right. Each person has his or her own story. Do you know their story?"
Roth shared her story, which began at a young age she turned her bedroom into a classroom, lining her stuffed animals up and pretending they were students.
She continued, "Sometimes in our lives someone says something to you and those words stay with you forever. While doing my student teaching as a college senior, the second grade teacher with whom I worked, Mrs. Rosemary Payne, gave me the best advice. She said, “Always take the time to get to know your students, no matter how busy you may be. Find the time and listen to their stories.”
Watch as Superintendent Karen Baldwin surprised Ms. Roth during the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at East Ridge Middle School on May 5.