The Ridgefield Historical Society at 4 Sunset Lane is dressed up for the holidays and has some special gift suggestions.
As always, there are books of Ridgefield history, perfect for newcomers and longtime residents who want to delve into the stories of their town’s past. The selection includes: Ridgefield, part of the Images of America series, compiled by the Archives Committee; four local histories by Jack Sanders, including his most recent, Wicked Ridgefield; Keith Jones’ Farmers Against the Crown; Five Village Walks; Remember the Ladies, Notable Women of Ridgefield; Connecticut 169 Club; and more.
For those interested in the pre-European residents of this area, the gift shop has prints of the map “Indian Trails, Villages, Sachemdoms” (ca. 1625). Originally published in 1934 by the Colonial Dames of America, it measures 24" W by 21.5" H and is suitable for framing. The price is $60 for members and $75 for non-members. The gift shop also has copies of the 1867 Beers Atlas map of Ridgefield.
Owners of antique structures enjoy their character as well as their quirks and are proud of their history. Houses and other buildings listed on the Historic Architectural Resources Survey Ridgefield are eligible for designation with plaques that make great gifts and may be ordered through the Historical Society. Two sizes of the handmade signs are available; for information, visit the website or call 203-438-5821. Hours are Tuesday-Thursday, 1-5.
Just for the season, the Historical Society gift shop has a selection of handknit wraps; stop by to see the selection and choose one to add some warmth to someone’s life.