This Sunday, October 17th from 12 to 3, the Ridgefield Action Committee for the Environment (RACE) is celebrating the presentation of its first green business award with an electric vehicle show that will be hosted at the Nod Hill brewery in Ridgefield. The award ceremony will be at 2 P.M.
The electric vehicle show will include many current models as well as up-to-date information about home chargers and subsidies. Dealers representing Audi, Volkswagen, Nissan, BMW, and Chevrolet will be present to show their latest EV models. Tesla, Hyundai, Jeep, Toyota, Jaguar, and Ford EV owners will be there as well to answer questions from the EV curious.
The Green Business Award is a recent award to Ridgefield and surrounding communities. Alexia Anglade, a Ridgefield High School senior worked with community business leaders and non-profits, RACE and the Norwalk Watershed River Association to create an award to recognize and encourage local businesses with sustainable business practices. She earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award available to Girl Scouts as a result.
The Green Business Award is based on a points system and is available at the Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels. Interested businesses can learn more at https://www.greenawardct.com. Eligible businesses receive a decal designed by Alexia to display to publicize their eco business practices.
Dr. Ben Oko will be the master of ceremonies. Alexia Anglade will introduce the award and First Selectman, Rudy Marconi, will present the award. Local leaders including Representatives Aimee Berger-Girvalo and Ken Gucker; and State Senator, Will Haskell, will be in attendance.