Closing out the season for the Connecticut Interscholastic Ski League, the Ridgefield High School girls’ team secured 2nd place in the state for the regular season Large school conference, with senior captain Jillian Pastore skiing faster than 181 other athletes to win the last giant slalom race of the year. Senior captain Julia Bragg earned the 5th spot in the final race—with both captains closing out impressive high school racing careers.
The boys’ team, led by senior captains Matt Gallagher and Bridger Rowen, finished 6th in the state for the regular season Large school conference.
Based on regular-season standings, both the Ridgefield girls and boys' teams earned a spot to compete at the State Open at Mount Southington, where the best teams in the state competed in a final giant slalom race.
The boys finished 12th in the State Open, with the ski league comprising 27 teams throughout the state.
The girls' ski team finished an impressive 2nd at the State Open. Julia Bragg, Jillian Pastore, and Hadley Drever all finished top 10 in the state, while Hayden Drever, Alexandra Schuster, and Emily Fox rounded out our top 6 scorers to secure the 2nd place finish.
Team Connecticut
At two separate invitational events, the top skiers in the state competed on two days and in two disciplines (giant slalom and slalom) in hopes to earn a spot on the prestigious Team Connecticut—comprising the best 12 racers in Connecticut.
Three tigers, Julia Bragg, Jillian Pastore, and Hayden Drever finished among the top racers in the state and qualified to represent Connecticut at the Eastern Regional High School Championships, held at Attitash Mountain in New Hampshire in March.
Photo #2 Athletes pictured (from left to right): Hayden Drever, Jillian Pastore, Julia Bragg