That Centuries-Old Question — What to Wear?
When in doubt, a t-shirt always works
Wondering what to wear to Battle of Ridgefield weekend events? Such a quandary! Colonial-era dress is the obvious choice, but most of us don't have a closetful, and those who do might be saving it for the Saturday evening, Musket Ball.
Might we suggest — a Battle of Ridgefield Commemorative T-Shirt? Designed and sold by Hometown Spiritwear, this Battle of Ridgefield souvenir sports the 245th Anniversary logo and comes in a neutral grey — perfect for Patriots and Loyalists alike! Order soon and your t-shirt will be available for pickup starting on Thursday 4/28 at the Ridgefield Historical Society, 4 Sunset Lane, Ridgefield.
Call 203-438-5821 or email info@ridgefieldhistoricalsociety.org .
Five dollars of each t-shirt purchase supports the work of the Ridgefield Historical Society.