Each year, Ridgefield Thrift Shop (RTS) encourages high school seniors who are residents of Ridgefield to apply for college scholarships. The process starts in late February when announcements, applications and instructions for applying are made available through the RTS website, local newspapers, and other media. Scholarship information can also be found on Naviance, a college and career readiness platform familiar to most students.
This year, as RTS began to rebound from the financial impact felt during the Covid 19 crisis, the Board of Directors felt it was important to continue with awarding scholarships to deserving students from Ridgefield. The Scholarship Committee was pleased to review fifty applications from Ridgefield seniors. They identified six students whose applications and essays most represented the qualities and ambitions we look for in the chosen students. Each student was awarded $5000 to apply towards his or her college costs.
These scholarship winners, along with their intended courses of study and college choices, are:
Ryan Donovan - Cornell University, majoring in Environmental Economics and Sustainable Business
Nicholas Burch - University of Connecticut, majoring in Business/Marketing
Jack McGuire - Indiana University, majoring in Finance
Stephen Colletto - Western Connecticut State University, majoring in Communications
Marlene Edwards – Gettysburg College - majoring in Business Economics
Congratulations to these students and good luck in their chosen courses of study.
The college scholarships are a small part of the total number of grants distributed by the Ridgefield Thrift Shop. Thank you to all our generous donors for supporting us in our efforts to give aid to members of the local community.
Learn more about the Ridgefield Thrift Shop here.