Editor's note: Heading to the Jesse Lee Pumpkin Patch? Consider a donation to the Community Cupboard!
The Jesse Lee Pumpkin Patch Poem
Though the days have been dreary, Pumpkin lovers, don’t despair.
Here’s a happy photo from years past of a pumpkin-loving boy with fair hair.
Hopefully, the sun will return tomorrow with flare.
Whether drizzly or bright, the Jesse Lee Pumpkin Patch is a festive Fall affair.
While pumpkins make up the heart of our patch,
what happens here is so much bigger than that!
Our pumpkins are grown on a New Mexico farm that is flat,
That is where our Navajo Nation mission partners are at.
Proceeds from each pumpkin you buy in our patch,
Helps our indigenous friends there and we are so happy about that.
Something else we do here out of love and care
Is supplying local neighbors with much-needed nourishing fare.
But alas our Community Cupboard is currently BARE!
We welcome your donation of canned goods you can share.
Please bring them to the Pumpkin Patch; there’s a collection crate for them there.
Come to Main Street and King Lane, you’ll find us there
Where neighbors helping neighbors are an answer to prayer.
Stop by the patch and enjoy fresh Autumn air
And the love that shines brightly because God’s always there.