Ridgefield Public School Math Department Members Win State Awards!

Each year the Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC) present a small number of awards to math educators in the state at their annual conference. This past Monday, two of the four awards went to Ridgefield educators!

Dr. Merryl Polak (on left in photo), a seventh-grade math teacher at Scotts Ridge Middle School, received the Charlene Tate Nichols Award. This award is given annually to a K-8 math educator in the state who exhibits outstanding commitment and successful service to students and the education community. Dr. Polak's continued work on implementing highly effective math teaching strategies, the student passion for math she creates in her classroom, and her continued collaboration with her colleagues were a few of the reasons she deserved this award.

Jeff Corbishley (on right), 6-12 Math and Science Supervisor earned the Robert A. Rosenbaum Award. This award is given annually to a math educator who has shown outstanding commitment and successful service to the entire mathematics community in Connecticut. Jeff was recognized for his work on the ATOMIC Board co-chairing conferences and presenting at various events throughout the state. Jeff has been on the steering committee for the Connecticut High School Math Reform Committee and one of the authors of a state position statement on Equity in Mathematics Education.

In addition, three RPS Math Teachers presented at this year’s ATOMIC Conference. Dr. Polak presented a session on her implementation of the instructional practices from the book Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl. RHS teacher Mary Anne Goldstein and ERMS teacher Sara Dalton presented a session together on using dot paper to explore geometric concepts. Both sessions were extremely well attended! We are proud of our educators who are sharing their expertise with other math educators in the state.

Read Ridgefield Public Schools' latest newsletter here.

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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