The 107th Annual Commencement will take place on Wednesday, June 21 at 6:00 p.m. at Tiger Hollow Stadium, Ridgefield High School
Congratulations to the Class of 2023! Below is are the senior award winners:
Ava Anderson English Department Award
Ava Anderson Service Recognition to Future Medical Professionals
Cassidy Arent Service Recognition to Interact Club
Gretchen Baudendistel Service Recognition to Knitting Knook
Gretchen Baudendistel Service Recognition to the American Sign Language Club
Gretchen Baudendistel Service Recognition to Ridgefield Friends Club
Brayden Bloom Service Recognition to Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)
Sophie Browning Math Department Award
Nathaniel Carter National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Emma Dawson World Language Department Award - Mandarin
Anna Dinkel Social Studies Department Award - Student Growth Award
Jackson Fiore Service Recognition to Future Business Leaders of America
Jackson Fiore Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Award
Elizabeth Garson Western Connecticut Superintendents Association Award
Elizabeth Garson Service Recognition to Student Government Executive Board
Avery Gay Service Recognition to Unity Club
Nathan Gaynor Service Recognition to Chamber Orchestra
Nathan Gaynor Service Recognition to Science Olympiad
Nathan Gaynor Science Department Award
Nathan Gaynor Service Recognition to The Pit Orchestra
Aditi Gupta English Department Award
Aditi Gupta Science Department Award
Paul Hickey Math Department Award
Paul Hickey Service Recognition to Drum Line
Ciara Hourihan Visual & Performing Arts Department Award - Chorus
Audrey Huff Visual & Performing Arts Department Award - Theatre Arts
Audrey Huff Service Recognition to The Company
Audrey Huff Service Recognition to Musical Production
Joseph Isaac Technology Education Department Award
Joseph Isaac American Legion Boys State Award, Delegate
Arthur Kardos Service Recognition to Mock Trial
Georgia Keller CAS-CIAC Scholar Athlete Award
Justin Keller CAS-CIAC Scholar Athlete Award
Michelle Kim National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Ryan Kim-Cogan Math Department Award
Skylar Kleinman Social Studies Department Award - Most Outstanding Student
Skylar Kleinman Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Award
Hayden Kokas Service Recognition to the Astronomy Club
Diana Kovacs Visual & Performing Arts Department award - Band
Sophia Lescinskas Reading Department Award
Asterix Lombardo World Language Department Award - Italian
Asterix Lombardo Project Lead the Way Department Award
Asterix Lombardo Service Recognition to Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
Ruofei Ma Service Recognition to Madrigals
Avery Marcus Family and Consumer Sciences Department Award - Outstanding FCS Student
Kirthana Marepalli World Language Department Award - Latin
Abigail McCormick Service Recognition to Consoles for Kids Club
Keelan McQuilkin Service Recognition to the Geoscience Club
Sydney Michel Service Recognition to RHS Sings
Shane Miller Service Recognition to Pep Band
Zoe Pecson Service Recognition to Key Club
Zoe Pecson Service Recognition to RHS Save the Children
James Pereyra Visual & Performing Arts Department Award - Digital
Tor Petersen Social Studies Department Award - Most Passionate Student
Tor Petersen Service Recognition to Model United Nations
Tor Petersen American Legion Boys State Award, Delegate
Kavya Podila English Department Award
Kavya Podila Service Recognition to The Ridgefielder
Sarah Rizzio World Language Department Award - French
Zachary Rosenblatt Health Department Award
Milo Rosenzweig Health Department Award
Jacob Sakdinan Service Recognition to Senior Class Council
Jacob Sakdinan Western Connecticut Superintendents Association Award
Ruby Saloom Service Recognition to Debate Team
Amelia Schiffer Visual & Performing Arts Department award - 2D-Design
Samantha Silvestri World Language Department Award - Spanish
Kayleen Smith Math Department Award
Kayleen Smith Service Recognition to Anyone can Code
Kayleen Smith Service Recognition to Math Team
Tessa Steffens Alternative High School Department Award
Matthew Uy Visual & Performing Arts Department Award - Orchestra
Corrie Vakil Business Department Award
Corrie Vakil Service Recognition to Investment Club
Corrie Vakil Service Recognition to the National Honor Society
Corrie Vakil Scholar Leader
Samantha Verdejo Social Studies Department Award - Civic Participation
Samantha Verdejo Science Department Award
Samantha Verdejo Scholar Leader
Heather Wallace English Department Award
Heather Wallace Service Recognition to Robotics Club
Heather Wallace Science Department Award
James Young Family and Consumer Sciences Department Award - Outstanding Culinary Student