Love Puzzles? Try Speedcubing Club Starting Tomorrow at the Ridgefield Library

Speedcubing fans in grades 2-12 (and their caregiver) are invited to join others at the Ridgefield Library on Wednesday, September 20th at 4:30 pm to explore and learn more about combination puzzles and the speedcubing method!

This informal meeting does not have an instructor but is intended as a casual meet-up to practice and build speedcubing skills.

We ask that a caregiver remain in the area and assist their child with maintaining Library-level volume and interactions with other children. As of right now, it is not necessary to register, though depending on popularity may shift to a registration program in the future.

Future dates for this program include October 18th and November 15th.


More info.

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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