The RHS music department is excited to announce that Francesca (Frankie) Belden is September’s music student of the month. Her kindness towards her peers and love of her instrument have been displayed throughout all four years of participating in the Ridgefield music community.
Frankie was inspired to start playing the violin at the age of six, after one of her friends started to play. Through hard work and dedication throughout the years, Frankie was able to acquire the role of assistant concertmaster during her freshman year, and has had a positive
influence on the music community since then. Orchestra Conductor, Micheal McNamara states, "Frankie has been an amazing asset to our program throughout her music career at RHS.
She was part of the incoming freshman class when the pandemic hit, and that was a truly difficult year to maintain a passion for music when so much of it was online. Yet Frankie stayed positive through it all, and remained diligent and dedicated to her improvement as a musician. She has a way with people. She is very kind, energetic, and enthusiastic. This has translated markedly to her section, who have been responding well to her leadership. We are lucky to have her!"
As a senior, Frankie is the concertmaster of the Symphonic Orchestra, and reflects in an interview how much she enjoys the music program, stating “The music community is such a great place and I’m happy and grateful I get to be a part of it.” Frankie plans to join an orchestra
at college in order to continue playing the violin. Whether making friends during long orchestra rehearsals, or helping the other violinists in her sectionals, Frankie Belden has made a positive, long lasting impact on the community.
For more information, visit ridgefieldhsmusic.org and ridgefieldmusicparents.org.