The RHS Music department has lots to look forward to this year. Teachers and students alike are working to create phenomenal memories and experiences centered around a love of music.
Micheal McNamara, our Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair and Orchestra Director, says “Our theme in the orchestra program this year is ‘New Beginnings.’ Our last cohort of students that was part of the program before the pandemic graduated last year, and we are taking the opportunity to reimagine ourselves, and level up! In the Symphonic Orchestra, we are performing a lot of Overtures and first movements of symphonies. These symbolize the beginning of a greater work. As a director, I am also striving to give the students literature that I've never conducted in the past, so that I can learn right alongside them and step outside of my comfort zone.”
This year the RHS Concert Choir will be performing John Rutter’s, “Magnificat”, on January 7th at Carnegie Hall, where John Rutter himself will be conducting! They will also sing on December 13th at the Winter Concert, and on January 30th at the RPS Choral Festival. Additionally, they will be performing at the Music and Parks Festival at Six Flags in New England and will be closing off their year by presenting a Pops Concert in the RHS auditorium on May 2nd. The RHS Madrigals will be performing during the Ridgefield Tree Lighting on the day after Thanksgiving, and the Holiday Stroll on December 1st and 2nd! To keep up with their events, follow them on instagram @ridgefieldhschoir.
The RHS Orchestras also have a lot to look forward to. The Winter Concert will take place on December 13th, and will feature Concert, Symphonic, and Chamber orchestra. The Symphonic Orchestra will perform for Barlow Mountain Elementary School, and Scotland Elementary School third, fourth, and fifth graders in the spring. We are most looking forward to the RHS Symphonic Orchestra performing a Pops Concert in May of 2024 to open up the 2024 C.H.I.R.P. concert season. Mr. McNamara shared that, "Mr. Marconi approached me at a town event about playing at Ballard Park again. He had seen the orchestra perform there in the spring of 2021 when we organized the town's first outdoor events since lockdown. He saw us again at the Battle of Ridgefield reenactment event the following year. He then connected us with [Selectwoman] Barbara Manners. She even offered her sound crew to work the event for us. It's such an honor that our town leaders hold our orchestra in high regard. We are fortunate!"
The Ridgefield Music Community is also beyond excited for Band Director George Beratis, who is expecting his first child with his wife, a baby boy, who is due November eighth! He is also thrilled at the skill levels the freshman class has displayed and says he is overjoyed at how eager they are to learn. RHS is also combining their high school pep band with eighth graders for the homecoming game, something that has not been done since 2019. The jazz band will also be performing at jazz festivals and competitions throughout Winter and Spring, and the entire band program will continue the tradition of marching in the Memorial Day parade.
With tons of new exciting events and beginnings, the RHS Music Program is hoping to grow, improve, and make this year an unforgettable one.
For more information, visit ridgefieldhsmusic.org and ridgefieldmusicparents.org.