Treat yourself to an uplifting night of familiar carols and new holiday music on Sat., Dec. 2 when The SymphoNYChorus presents its reverberating annual Christmas concert at Jesse Lee Church.
New York City’s premiere choir and orchestra, The SymphoNYChorus is a faith-based community of vocalists and instrumentalists from the tri-state area committed to sharing the message of God’s love with musical creativity, passion and excellence. The not-for-profit’s director is Henric Ideström, Jesse Lee’s former music minister.
Their 7 p.m. concert will feature favorite Christmas carols set to unique arrangements, and new pieces from around the world as well. The chorus’ holiday performance always fills Jesse Lee’s sanctuary – with people and with joyous music.
There’s no admission fee, but an offering will be taken.
Learn more about the group at www.thesymphonychorus.com.
Jesse Lee Church is at 207 Main St.
For those unable to attend, the concert will be livestreamed. Find the link at the bottom of the home page – and learn about all of Jesse Lee’s advent-season happenings, including a performance of “Amahl & the Night Visitors” on Sat., Dec. 9, the “Lessons & Carols” service on Sun., Dec. 17 and three Christmas Eve services – at www.jesseleechurch.com.