Science Meets Psychic Phenomena Talk This Wednesday at the Ridgefield Library

Join us at the Ridgefield Library this Wednesday, December 6th at 7:00 PM as we welcome expert Peter Bancel, who will present the topic, Everyday Magic: Science Meets Psychic Phenomena.

Please register.

This talk will present evidence for a variety of psychic phenomena. The surprising history of over a century of research that sheds light on paranormal effects will be explored. While psychic research lives at the margins of academia, its persistence as a field of study is due to a large body of evidence and data discovered at leading universities such as Harvard, Duke, Cornell, Princeton and others. Although psychic effects currently defy explanation, both physics and the science of consciousness leave open possibilities that such things may exist!

Peter Bancel received his PhD in experimental physics from the University of Pennsylvania and has conducted research in parapsychology for over two decades.

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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