Why Small Businesses Matter in Ridgefield: Flobees Roadside Stand

Why Small Businesses  Matter

Shop small, do big things for your community

Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community.

Meet Nadia Blair who opened Flobees Roadside Stand with her husband Aaron.

Why did you open Flobees Roadside Stand? 

We decided to open Flobee's because I loved the building and I just wanted to give it a new life and make sure it stuck around for another 70 years, so we came up with a plan that we thought would highlight the original intent of the building but also reimagine it for today's world. 

What menu items do you offer and what can patrons expect?

Adding a full food menu felt like a great way to keep the spirit of the old Carvel, but also give it a new purpose. The property is also the only one of its kind in Ridgefield (the only permanent building, but without any indoor seating), and I felt it was important to preserve, but I wanted to upgrade it, so we added the new enclosed outdoor eating area with picnic tables. There is a new bathroom building with two bathrooms, a structural safety wall along the front of the building, as well as an updated parking lot - in addition to perks like online ordering from our website, and text notifications to make the experience more accessible when the weather isn't great. 

What are your days/hours of operation?

We opened last weekend, and are now open every weekend, Saturday and Sunday from 11 am - 8 pm. We plan to expand to our full schedule (Tuesday - Sunday 11 - 8, closed on Mondays) sometime in February. 

Flobees Roadside Stand is located at 680 Danbury Road. 

For more updates, check out their Instagram here or visit their website at www.flobees.com.

HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!

Submitted by HH

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