Jesse Lee Church is hosting God’s Little Lemonade Stand on May 1 to raise money to create an Orchard for Orphans

 In 2015, Jesse Lee Church raised funds to help the Foundation for Orphans build a Home for Children (orphanage) in Dondo, Mozambique. Currently 24 children call this orphanage home and twelve more kids will be coming to live at the Dondo Orphanage shortly.
This labor of love for these children continues today with a new Jesse Lee Church fundraising effort to create an orchard for these orphans. The goal is to raise $500 to purchase five each of the following trees: apple, pear, mango, avocado and orange. When these trees reach maturity, not only will they provide healthy, fresh fruit for the kids, it will also help make the Dondo Orphanage financially self-sustaining.
On May 1 on Main Street in front of Jesse Lee Church, the church’s Outreach Committee, in partnership with Jesse Lee’s Children’s Ministries, is hosting “God’s Little Lemonade Stand” where lemonade and popcorn will be offered.
Donations to fund the orchard for orphans are welcome. You can also donate via the Jesse Lee Church website (on the GIVE page, look for the Orchard for Orphans fund in the drop down menu) to support this effort.
Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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