A Few Bits from RPS Superintendent Dr. Susie Da Silva: Principal Search, Art Festival, Summer Math and More!

A Few BITS from Dr. Susie Da Silva

VPES and RES Principals

The search process continues for both of our schools-we will update families and faculty as we move along.


Board of Education Meeting 

We will have a Board of Education meeting on Monday, June 27.  Please be reminded that while you may watch the meeting from home (link here), all public comments must be made in person (you can comment at the beginning or end of the meeting.)  You can find the agenda here.

RPS VPA Virtual Art Festival

Today we launched the RPS Virtual Arts Festival on the main page of our website. Click here to preview. This festival shares the work of students in grades K-12 in the visual arts and music. We have so much to celebrate this year!

End-of-Year Communication from the Curriculum Department

Families will receive this communication from the Curriculum Department. It outlines the professional learning that teachers engaged in this year and previews our plans for the 2022-23 school year. In addition, this letter includes links to all of the work of the department throughout the school year, including parent workshops and links to BOE Curriculum Committee meetings. 

Ridgefield Tiger Talk

Tiger Talk is done for the 2021-22 school year! But don’t worry we will return at the beginning of the school year in the fall! Be sure to catch up on our over 60 episodes. Thanks for listening, we here at Ridgefield Tiger Talk are wishing everyone a happy, restful, and safe summer!

 RPS Kindergarten Registration

Help!  If you have a friend or neighbor who is planning on joining kindergarten next year, remind them that registration is open!  Families now have the opportunity to register using our brand new online system. Click here to take a look!  Registration status impacts our ability to maintain and/or hire teachers.

From the Connecticut State Department of Education: The 2022 Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge​ ​

Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker today launched the 2022 Commissioner’s Summer Math Challenge: “Mathematics: Building the Foundation for Success,” offering multiple ways for students to participate. All information and printable materials for the Commissioner’s Summer Math Challenge can be found here.

Please contact Jennifer Michalek at 860-713-6557 or Jennifer.michalek@ct.gov if you have any questions.

 Follow us here:

Twitter: @RPS_DaSilva 

Instagram: rpssuper  

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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