Ridgefield Letter: Vote for Bob Hebert

When he told me he was stepping down from the Board of Selectmen, I knew that my husband’s (Bob Hebert) work for Ridgefield was not finished. Of all the things that he enjoyed as a selectman, his favorite was constituent services. Never minding whose side of the aisle they were on, Bob navigated the system to find solutions for anyone who asked.

Bob is now running for the Police Commission for the same reason. Becoming a commissioner at this most critical time is a great way for his common sense and desire to serve to be best used. His long list of community services have shaped his character.   Most recently, he has joined St. Joseph Parenting Center, teaching men who are working to once again reunite with their children.

My husband stands on principle and is quite willing to cross party lines if the ultimate outcome is for the good of all. As First Selectman Rudy Marconi observed, Bob is a “strong voice for Ridgefield.”

Bob has been unanimously endorsed by the Ridgefield Police Union. Through his efforts, the RPD filled two vacant police positions previously rejected by the BOS. They clearly recognize Bob understands their mission. Although the incumbent candidates say they are well qualified, the RPD sees that Bob has the respect of both parties to work together with both sides.

As to the proposed police and fire facility, Bob’s experience in real estate and finance will serve Ridgefield well as this project gets underway. Building on skills that have served him in the past, a vote for Bob to join the Police Commission is a vote for integrity and sound judgement. We must get this right; of the candidates that are running, Bob Hebert is the best equipped to deliver for our town.

Jan Hebert

Prospect Street, Ridgefield

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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