Ridgefield Letter: Parents Support Lipman And Paradiso For BOE

My wife and I always wanted to live in Ridgefield – we saw our future selves here raising a family. We were drawn to the strong sense of community, the high quality of life, and of course the school system. Compared to the previous school district we lived in, the difference is night and day. But we need to keep it this way – and the way to give our children the strongest and most effective education is through a competent and respectful Board of Education.

Wyatt Lipman and Jonathan Paradiso are both Ridgefielders who will bring a strong sense of ethics, determination, and competence to the Board of Education. As a parent, there is no more important vote.  Please join us in voting for Democrats Wyatt Lipman and Jonathan Paradiso for Board of Education on November 7th – both Mr. Lipman and Mr. Paradiso are the leaders parents need and the role models our children deserve.
Michael Harrington
Blackman Road
The views expressed here belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect that of HamletHub.
Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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