“A Garden of Verse,” a summer-long evening poetry series hosted in the historic walled gardens of Keeler Tavern Museum and History Center, will launch on Monday, June 27 with a reading by Connecticut Poet Laureate Margaret Gibson and poet H.E. Fisher.
In the event of rain, the reading will move inside the Museum's Garden House. Chairs will be provided. Masks are kindly requested.
Additional poetry readings will be held on July 11 (Meredith Bergmann and Kyle Potvin), July 25 (Joan Kwon Glass and Jordan Franklin), August 8 (BK Fischer and Suzanne Frischkorn), and August 25 (spouses Aaron and Luisa Caycedo-Kimura and Laurel Peterson/Van Hartmann).
The “A Garden of Verse” series is curated and hosted by Ridgefield Poet Laureate Barb Jennes.
Limited parking is available on site.
Keeler Tavern Museum & History Center: 152 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT.