Ridgefield Town Hall Operations During COVID-19
Town Hall is currently closed to the general public, but operations continue inside the building. Please see recent updates below:
Tax Collector’s Office
• Taxes can be mailed, paid online, and beginning July 1, collected in-person through the Bailey Avenue Entrance only. Taxpayers must have cash or prewritten check ready as there will be no place to write. Per CDC guidelines, face coverings, hand sanitizing and social distancing will be required to pay in-person.
• Any tax adjustments must be resolved with the Tax Assessor via email prior to entering the building.
• Transfer Station Permits can only be renewed by mailing a $20/$40 check payable to Town of Ridgefield with your name, phone number, address & email address to Town Hall OR putting same in the drop box located to the right of the Town Hall front door.
• Dog licenses can be renewed through August 1 without penalty online, by mail, or by putting payment and dog info (updated rabies info if necessary) in the drop box located to the right of the Town Hall front door.
• Marriage licenses are by appointment only after completing a visitor screening form and agreeing to comply with CDC guidelines upon entry of the building.
• Land record images are now accessible online https://searchiqs.com/CTRID Extensive searches can be done by appointment only after completing a visitor screening form and complying with CDC guidelines when entering the building.
• Go to https://www.ridgefieldct.org/town-clerk for information on other Town Clerk services.