Keeping Time, Right on Time in Downtown Ridgefield: Thank You, Kody Shafer!

A few weeks back we spoke with clock master Kody Shafer, a 2012 RHS grad who told us he would have the historical Main Street clock back to work and looking better than ever by the end of the month. Today is Sunday, July 23 and the hands of time are turning once again in downtown Ridgefield!

First Selectman Rudy Marconi told us, “It’s a historical icon that has come to mean a lot to many people.” When word got out that the nearly 14-foot electric clock erected in 1958 was in peril, Ridgefielders began calling Town Hall. “You wouldn’t know how much [the clock] meant to people unless something happened to it,” said Marconi. 

The clock whisperer to the rescue. Kody is a longtime resident and owner of Neon Spectacular, a company that makes and repairs neon signs as well as clocks, completed the task in no time (well, a little bit of time). After more than a decade of being right on time just twice per day, the landmark clock is ticking beautifully! 

Kody said on social media, “We restored an Electric Time Company street clock that holds great sentimental value to Ridgefield. It’s awesome to see this lit up and keeping time again!” (see image #3 for the clock illuminated). 

Kody said that the restoration process included cleaning, total rewiring of the clock, an LED retrofit, and “a bit of fiddling around with the mechanics and motors”. 

Thank you, Kody!

Here’s the back story (published a few weeks ago in HamletHub with the title “A clock that tells more than time”).

It’s Ridgefield historian Jack Sanders who got the ball rolling and the clock ticking when he posted about the picturesque clock on the Old Ridgefield Facebook page.

“Thank you, Jack,” said First Selectman Rudy Marconi. “It’s a historical icon that has come to mean a lot to many people.” When word got out that the nearly 14-foot electric clock erected in 1958 was in peril, Ridgefielders began calling Town Hall. 

“You wouldn’t know how much [the clock] meant to people unless something happened to it,” said Marconi. 

In life, there are clock watchers and clockmakers. Kody Shafer is a maker. 

The 2012 graduate of Ridgefield High School says, “I found out about the clock on Facebook and saw there were a lot of concerned citizens. I make neon signs and also neon clocks so I’m familiar with the Electric Clock Company so I connected with Rudy and came here [to downtown Ridgefield where the clock is located] and Bob Schneider of the Parks department.”

Shafer’s prowess for the inner workings of a clock is masterful. He told us he would have the clock back to work and looking better than ever by the end of the month. Yes,  the end of July! The longtime resident is the owner of Neon Spectacular, a company that makes and repairs neon signs as well as clocks.

After seeing the post on the Old Ridgefield Facebook page, a few more townies reached out to First Selectman, Rudy Marconi. 

Among them, Richard Hastings of the law firm, Hastings, Cohen, and Walsh said his firm wanted to pledge $8,000 towards the clock’s restoration.

Marconi also received a call from John Pambianchi, owner of Pamby Motors. “The Pambianchi family is celebrating 75 years in business and would like to donate 7,500 toward the clock,” said Marconi. 

Marconi said he asked Kevin Redmond, the Director of Finance at the Town of Ridgefield, to set up a special revenue account for the funds received toward the ongoing restoration of the clock. 

The history of the clock is rich. Marconi shares pages of the book “Remember the Ladies, Notable Women of Ridgefield" (see images 3 and 4) that show the group of ladies who, in 1958 during WWll, gifted the clock to the Town. “They were part of American Women’s Voluntary Transport Services,” Marconi explains.

Thank you to Jack, Kody, the law firm of Cohen, Hastings, and Walsh, and the Pambianchi family, who are among the Ridgefielders who are supporting the restoration of our historic clock. 

"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. Let every man be master of his time" - William Shakespeare

*Image courtesy Kody Shafter via social media @neonspectacular


Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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