Award covers full cost of tuition, room, board and mandatory fees
Nineteen high school seniors have been awarded the Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship to pursue their undergraduate studies at Duke University.
The Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship covers the full cost of tuition, room, board and mandatory fees for four years of undergraduate education. In addition, the scholarship funds six weeks of summer study at the University of Oxford and offers $5,000 to each scholar for independent research and educational enrichment. Based on estimated tuition rates over a four-year period, the scholarship is worth over $260,000.
The scholarships aim to foster intellectual leadership and are awarded to students who show exceptional promise. The awards stem from the Angier B. Duke Memorial Inc., which Duke University co-founder Benjamin Newton Duke established in 1925 in memory of his son, Angier Buchanan Duke.
The Angier B. Duke Scholarship’s alumni include 19 Rhodes Scholars and 13 Marshall Scholars. Among them are renowned author and former Duke English professor Reynolds Price; Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Ann Tyler; NASA project scientist Hal Weaver; and Dr. Lynt Johnson, chief of transplant surgery at Georgetown University Medical Center.
2016 Scholarship recipient Alexandra E. DiGiacomo of Ridgefield, Connecticut, a graduate of Ridgefield High in Ridgefield, Connecticut