Meet Connecticut resident Amanda Carlson: a new face at The Princeton Review

I had the pleasure of sharing a cup of coffee with Trumbull resident and new employee at The Princeton Review, Amanda Carlson. As the Outreach and Territory manager for The Princeton Review, Carlson is responsible for educational partnerships and marketing as well as building community relationships in Fairfield, New Haven and Hartford County. 

You were first introduced to The Princeton Review when you picked up some SAT/ACT books to help you prepare for college entrance exams. Tell me about that.

I was a junior in high school and was looking for supplemental resources to help me with the ACT and I needed it to be self-guided because I was taking rigorous courses and on the Varsity soccer team. I bought Cracking the ACT and used the strategies and practice tests to guide me. The Princeton Review’s tried and true test-taking techniques stayed with me beyond standardized tests, and even helped me throughout college.

And you attended college on a full-tuition scholarship! Explain.

I was blessed to have the privilege to go to a 4-year university, which didn’t seem possible when I did the math. Federal Aid was not enough to cover the cost of going to school, but I had my dreams set on Oral Roberts University.

Oral Roberts University offers up to a full-tuition scholarship called the Whole Person Scholarship. One of the categories that the Whole Person Scholarship lists as one of the requirements is academic achievement. Standardized test scores are taken into consideration--along with GPA--for entrance into school, and also for many such scholarships. I believe that The Princeton Review helped to show my best academic qualities when it came to test-taking. Without The Princeton Review giving me a boost, I doubt I would have been considered for the Whole Person Scholarship (especially the maximum amount).

What does your job as Outreach and Territory Manager at The Princeton Review entail?
Essentially, I am an ambassador. I go into the surrounding communities and speak with school officials, parents, and students regarding how The Princeton Review can help in the college admissions process. I learn what is most beneficial for the student’s timeline and make recommendations on how we can meet those needs:

• Homework Help for Great Grades.
• Ultimate Courses for Great Scores.
• College Admission Counseling for Great Applications.

Preparing for college can be an arduous task. What is your advice for high school students who are in the midst of the college admissions process.

I would suggest that students take ownership of their college admissions process. Ultimately, they will be the ones learning in the halls of the college they choose for 4 (or more) years. The student will be dealing with the professors and the general atmosphere of campus. College is an exciting time of possibilities and the more the student is involved, the better.

Private tutoring can be costly. What if a student needs help but has a limited budget. Do you have options for that family?

Yes, budgets do factor into the college admissions process—not only of money, but also of time. Opportunities to invest in education come in a variety of packages at The Princeton Review:

• Private Tutoring provides personalized, focused support and is the most flexible offering for busy schedules.
• Small Group Instruction Ultimate Courses are limited to 4 students, providing a high level of student-teacher interaction and require set schedules.
• Ultimate Courses give more of a classroom approach and is our most comprehensive and popular offering.
• Self-paced and Homework Help are two offerings that provide students with the resources to take their academic achievement into their own hands and on their schedule.

Learn more about The Princeton Review, test prep classes, tutoring, and more here. 

You can contact Amanda by calling The Princeton Review in Westport: 1-800-2Review or (203)226-2899

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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