Ms President US Learns About Media and Self-Image
Power poses and positivity statements -- these are what the highly skilled educators from the Women's Center of Greater Danbury taught the Ms President US participants. Ann Rodwell-Lawton and Cara Mackler led the session titled, Your Leader is in the Mirror: The Media's Portrayal of Successful Women and How It Impacts Women and Girls.
During a highly interactive presentation, the presenters gave the girls a chance to view different images and messages about girls and boys in the media, with emphasis on how the media portrays successful women leaders and the obstacles female leaders have to overcome. The girls were then encouraged to discuss whether those images made sense to them.
The workshop concluded with a discussion on self-esteem and self-confidence, where the girls had a chance to practice power poses and other ways they can build their self-esteem as they prepare their own leadership campaign over the next couple months.
The Women's Center of Greater Danbury offers these and other educational programs to schools and community groups at no charge: http://wcogd.org/
The campaign and election for Ms President US will be held on Sunday, May 6 at the Ridgefield Playhouse. More information is available on the Ms President US Facebook page or on the website.
Ms President US (MPU) is one of the nonprofit organizations under the Friends of Ridgefield Community Programs umbrella, a 501(c)(3). Its mission is to inspire and prepare girls to aim for the highest leadership positions and know they can achieve them.