Happy Birthday to Ridgefielder Nelson Broms, 101 Today!
If you're driving down Main Street, take note of the many balloons outside of #323 Main, 101 balloons to be exact.
Jessica Mancini told us she was touched by the compassion and kindness of Kathleen Fisher who placed 101 balloons on the porch of her neighbor, Nelson Broms. We are too.
"Nelson Broms was born April 15, 1919, and lives with his wife Pearl in Ridgefield. He is a 50 year resident of Ridgefield and today he turns 101," said Mancini.
Mr. Broms is an American business executive, investor, philanthropist, and WWII and Korea Veteran.
If you drive down Main Street in Ridgefield today, look for the balloons and give a honk in honor of Nelson’s birthday!