Ridgefield Proclaims June 2 National Gun Violence Awareness Day - Wear Orange Weekend June 6 and June 7
This year marks the 4th Annual Wear Orange Weekend which commemorates the life of Hadiya Pendleton and all those senselessly murdered by gun violence. Just one week after performing at Obama’s second inaugural parade Hadiya was shot and killed in a South Side Chicago park. In her honor, her friends called for people to wear orange clothing during the first weekend of June, her birth month, as not only was orange her favorite color but also because it is what hunters wear to prevent themselves from getting shot while hunting.
Helping to spread awareness locally is Anita Donofrio who, in 2016, first approached First Selectman Rudy Marconi about recognizing National Gun Violence Awareness Day with orange ribbons tied to trees in downtown Ridgefield. Soon after Donofrio spoke with Marconi four years ago, the Town of Ridgefield Board of Selectmen proclaimed June as National Gun Violence Awareness month and June 2 (today) as National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
"While we mark today, June 2nd, in honor of Hadiya Pendleton, we strive for a nation where ALL Americans live free of gun violence,” remarks Donofrio.
If you take a walk through the downtown area, you will notice orange ribbons with picturesque bows. Donofrio purchased the ribbons which were tied on the trees lining Main Street this morning by a small team – including First Selectman Rudy Marconi, Gail Lehman, and Amanda and Anabel Cordano. "Gail was the mastermind and spray painted all the shells orange (see image #3). Anabel, Gail, and I wrote the messages, and all three of us hung up the orange ribbons. Anita supported us all the way!" says Cordano.
After the tragic murder of George Floyd, Jeremy Stein, Executive Director of CT Against Gun Violence, questioned “should we cancel the Wear Orange activities we have planned this week to observe National Gun Violence Awareness Day?” In an email directed towards the media, Stein wrote “George Floyd’s murder only illuminated a problem that was already obvious for many Americans, and for too long” – something “all Americans should care about and be involved in eradicating.”
In terms of National Gun Violence Awareness Day, he and his team resolved that “because gun violence affects black communities so disproportionately that we believe it is fitting to continue our Wear Orange activities this week.” Therefore, this week’s Wear Orange activities will go on as scheduled as gun violence “hasn’t stopped for the pandemic, and won’t stop as the nation convulses in response to racist police brutality.”
The orange bows in downtown Ridgefield will remain in place through Sunday, June 7th. In solidarity please consider wearing orange this Saturday and Sunday in honor of the 4th Annual Wear Orange Weekend.
Use the hashtag #WearOrange to show your support
For information and ways to donate to the CT community visit https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/
For more information about CT Against Gun Violence visit https://cagv.org/
For ways to join the fight against Gun Violence visit https://momsdemandaction.org/
For a look back at last year’s events visit https://news.hamlethub.com/ridgefield/neighbors/63374-ridgefield-proclaims-june-2-gun-violence-awareness-day