As the first official week of school comes to a close, Ridgefield Superintendent Susie DaSilva reports that, based on her visits to the various schools, the energy is positive and students, as well as faculty, are happy to be back!
"The Ridgefield faculty and staff continue to impress with their resilience and creativity in the classroom (with the groups of students that are here...and there), and students have shown flexibility and patience as we worked through the occasional hiccups, as well as high levels of engagement," says DaSilva.
RPS Highlights
Back to School Edition- found here!
Don’t forget to follow fun and important news on social media at: Twitter: @RPS_DaSilva Instagram: rpssuper
This week we posted a light-hearted video of the RHS staff reminding students of the health and safety protocols, as well as the RHS leadership team working together to create plexiglass barriers for their school.
School Buses
As expected, bus ridership is down. Many of our school buses have very few students riding. As a result, we have many more drop-offs and pick-ups. Our schools are working through this change well and reducing the wait time as much as possible. If you would like to change your ridership decision, you may contact Rick Lupinacci at or by phone at: 203-894-5550 ext 1126
From the Connecticut State Department of Education: Return to Learning Playlist
The CSDE is sharing a Return to Learning Playlist with online and offline resources provided by three CSDE partners; CT Public Television, Wide Open School and Yale University Department. You can find these resources here.
Facilities and Grounds
Due to COVID-19, all school facilities and grounds are off limits to the public during each individual school's hours. Signs have now been posted on campus to serve as reminders for all. Thank you for your understanding.
Resources on Topics of Diversity, Equity and Racism
Diverse Picture Books, Colorful PagesCIAC Update
We have received an update from CIAC, and is linked here. Mr. Street will communicate with families and students who are impacted and more information will follow as we process this new information and if any options are available.
School Lunch Program
Our food service provider continues to provide a full-service lunch program- and the cafeteria’s smell delicious. I am attaching an important message from Chartwells, our food service program: A Message from our Food Service Program
Meal Pick Up for Distance Learning Days
Distance learners and those eligible for free and reduced lunch can pick up meals at East Ridge Middle School between the hours of 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during regular school days. Lunches are available for students registered with Ridgefield Public Schools and must have a pin for the POS system (cash register). Meals are only available for regularly scheduled school days. Due to food safety reasons only on Monday (2 meals) and Wednesday (3 meals) students can pick up meals for 2 or 3 days respectively at a time. Find out more here
Quote of the Week
“We have no choice but to get better, faster, and fairer at remote learning for the sake of the Covid Generation.’’ Michael Petrilli