Social media (and neighborhoods in Ridgefield) have been buzzing with the spirit of Christmas disguised as a GRINCH! This has been a tough year and Mr. Grinch had a change of heart when it comes to Christmas. Thank you, Mr. Grinch, for spreading holiday cheer and bringing good tidings (and gifts) to the kids of Ridgefield!
Today, Mr. Grinch wrote on his Facebook Page that the Ridgefield Police have been hot on his tail. "I feel like they are finally going to catch me! They still think I’m trespassing, and trying to TAKE gifts, rather than GIVE gifts!" The Grinch said.
Mr. Grinch has announced the “Ridgefield Grinch Bail Fund”. "This way, if/when they do catch me, I’ll at least be able to be free by New Years' to spend time with my Max!" said Mr. Grinch.
But, Mr. Grinch's heart did grow three sizes. The kind creature isn't going to keep the money. All funds raised will be given to Meals on Wheels of Ridgefield. Donations will be accepted until midnight on January 2. "I am having so much fun doing this, and due to the number of people wanting to help and contribute, I feel this is the best way to give back to this wonderful community! said Mr. Grinch.
How to donate? VENMO “Ridgefield-Grinch” you will see my “06877” photo in the picture.
"Delivering this check will be my last post for the year! Thank you Ridgefield residents for letting me be part of your 2020 holiday season!" said Mr. Grinch who signed off by quoting Winston Churchill:
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.