RPS Video Covers New COVID Mitigation Strategies, Reviews Farmingville Outbreak

Ridgefield Public School (RPS) COVID-19 Health and Safety Compliance Liaison, Aaron Crook, RN is requesting that the RPS community please watch this video prior to coming to school on January 4.
The video covers important topics related to our return to school safely.  Topics within the video include: 
  • RPS at current stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, including a review of the Farmingville outbreak
  • New mitigation strategies that will be in place on January 4th
  • Changes to the Connecticut travel advisory -- Important note: If you traveled anywhere other than New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, you must quarantine for 10 days upon return or submit a rapid antigen or PCR test to the Department of Public Health. Please also send a copy to your school nurse.
  • New quarantine guidelines from the DPH
  • Testing for RPS staff
  • Rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine


Increased mitigation measures will be in place when we return to school on January 4th, including a short-term reduction of in-person density in elementary school buildings via the hybrid learning model, and increased supervision of mitigation efforts by school nurses and building principals. In addition, Dr. Da Silva, Dr. Hannaway, Karen Dewing, and I will meet on Wednesdays with Town of Ridgefield Health Director Ed Briggs, and RPS Medical Advisor, Dr. James Ahern, to determine the learning model for the following week. 

The video also reviews the importance of staying home from work or school if you have one of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) listed symptoms of COVID-19: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.

Travel Advisory

If you traveled to any state or foreign country other than New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, you must quarantine for 10 days upon return, or submit a rapid antigen or PCR test to the Department of Public Health (DPH).  Please also send a copy to your school nurse.  More information on CT’s travel advisory can be found here

Quarantine Guidelines

RPS has adopted the CT DPH revised quarantine guidelines of 10 days after an exposure to COVID-19. At this time, we are not allowing a test-out option after day 5. We may revisit after we see a sustained reduction in new cases at RPS.  Parents may contact their school nurse with specific questions related to quarantine timelines for each child’s specific situation.

Testing for RPS Staff

RPS staff may now receive same-day testing at Connecticut Community Health Centers (CCHC) by registering online for a test. Bring your RPS ID badge to skip the line. Also, in partnership with First Selectman Rudy Marconi and DOCS Urgent Care, RPS staff may receive a rapid antigen test at Yanity Gym in Ridgefield (next to Central Office). To register for a test at DOCS, fill out the google form I emailed to RPS on December 14th or send me an email.


Phase 1a of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has started in Connecticut. Currently, health care workers, including RPS school nurses and health office paras, have appointments to receive the vaccine. Educators and school staff will be in phase 1b. Facilitating the vaccination of our educators is one of our highest priorities. As soon as the vaccine is available to educators in phase 1b, we will communicate that information right away.

Aagin, please watch this video, wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your distance. 

Quick Links:

Ridgefield Public Schools COVID-19 Tracker

Town of Ridgefield COVID-19 information

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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