Creativity Connects Ridgefield: Meet Geoffrey Morris, Creative Director of Blue Dot Design and Former Magazine Publisher

Creativity Connects Ridgefield 

What fuels a vibrant, connected, and creative community? What makes people feel good about living in Ridgefield? 

When locals share the creativity that they uncover in the nooks and crannies of their community it brings about connectivity and makes us all feel good. Believe it or not, you discover creativity every day as you walk, shop, work, and play in Ridgefield.  

Creativity connects us. 

Meet Geoffrey Morris, the former publisher of Ridgefield Magazine and current creative director of Blue Dot Design and Communications.

Is there a person or organization using creativity to provoke change in Ridgefield?

The Economic & Community Development Commission's creativity in bringing different organizations together to help attract businesses and new residents to town is inspiring. Working with the Arts Council, ECDC is spearheading a state Cultural District Designation, likely the first town in the state to receive it. What's more, ECDC collaborated with the Chamber, the Arts Council, local merchants, and private individuals to create Holiday Village, which because of Covid was canceled. ECDC pivoted and used some of the funds to create gift certificates, thus infusing some $12,000 into the community.

Any place in town where you go for inspiration and creativity?

The thousands of acres of open space and trails allow me to get away from things, exercise, and enjoy the beauty of nature with friends. It opens the mind and brings creative juices to the rest of my day

Is there an organization in town that makes you feel good?

Compassionate Ridgefield is bringing all sorts of people together to improve personal interactions that are more civil and therefore more productive. The process of getting us to the official designation of a city of compassion has been inspiring and they have done it very creative ways.

Finish this sentence: When I think of creativity in town I think of …

The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum. The artists they attract reveal the unlimited capacity of the mind to express our world in creative and inspiring ways.

Creativity Connects Ridgefield is made possible by LIFEWTR.

If you have local creativity to share and would like to be featured in this series, feel free to email 

The views and opinions expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of HamletHub or LIFEWTR.


Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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