Creativity Connects Ridgefield
What fuels a vibrant, connected, and creative community? What makes people feel good about living in Ridgefield?
When locals share the creativity that they uncover in the nooks and crannies of their community it brings about connectivity and makes us all feel good. Believe it or not, you discover creativity every day as you walk, shop, work, and play in Ridgefield.
Creativity connects us.
Meet Ruth Feldman, Executive Director of the Western Connecticut Youth Orchestra (WCYO), and Ridgefield resident since 1999.
Tell me about an organization in town that makes you feel good
Ridgefield's music scene is at the heart of my family's delight! From years of enjoying the talent of our young people in organizations like the Western Connecticut Youth Orchestra (WCYO) and the Ridgefield Public Schools music programs (including the annual musical) to the world of entertainment we have experienced at The Ridgefield Playhouse, or at the Richardson Auditorium with the Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra, or during holidays on Main Street with the sounds of the Ridgefield Chorale and the high school a cappella groups serenading us and CHIRP concerts in Ballard park - music is everywhere in Ridgefield and we love it!
Where do you go for inspiration and creativity?
Inspiration is everywhere! I find it in nature as I take in the beauty of our Main Street, with its beautiful trees, hanging baskets overflowing with flowers, homes, parks - often enjoyed with family, friends, or my dog Lulu. I love the annual Art Walk and how so many businesses display the work of local artists. I’m inspired by the Lounsbury House lit up and welcoming.
I am a big reader so needless to say - Books on the Common, our local bookstore always inspires me with its great collection and terrific staff. The Ridgefield Library is a great resource for music, author talks, and more books. I love seeing it so busy all the time. And it was great attending the outdoor concerts this year at the Ridgefield Playhouse. Everyone is working so hard to do their work - and keep the arts alive in Ridgefield during the pandemic. I appreciate that - not to mention from where I sit at WCYO - seeing how our musicians and conductors show up every week determined to make great music and keep growing and learning together without a concert on the schedule - yet.
Where do you go for inspiration and creativity?
New York City was my chosen hometown when I grew up and moved north from Georgia. When our kids were old enough to start public school, my husband and I headed to Ridgefield - seduced by its reputation, Main Street, and maybe more so, the NYC vibe we felt when enjoying brunch at Gail's Station House (remember that jam, the hats on the wall, the eclectic staff?)
It wasn't long before I realized we can stay right here in Ridgefield and enjoy much of the culture I sought out in NYC for so many years - great restaurants, theater, museums, and yes - concerts. That said - at the end of the day - it is the people. I have made great friends here, I
I’ve been inspired by so many wonderful people and the sense that we all have permission to be a little quirky within this neighborly space - much like that vibe we got at Gail's Station House so early on!
Creativity Connects Ridgefield is made possible by LIFEWTR.
The views and opinions expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of HamletHub or LIFEWTR.