Ridgefield COVID Snapshot: Five Cases, New Case Rate Decreases, Town Remains in Red Alert Level

According to the latest COVID data report (updated 1/29) on the Town of Ridgefield website, the number of new COVID-19 cases reported in Ridgefield as of Thursday, January 29, 2021, was 5. 

The graph in this post (courtesy Town of Ridgefield) shows the overall New Case Rate of 25.7 (new cases per 100k residents). Ridgefield remains in the Red Alert Level, as does all of Fairfield County and most of the state.

Continued vigilance is important, so please remember the 3Ws: Wear your mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance. 

Learn more on the Town of Ridgefield website here.

If eligible, you can visit the VAMS website to register for a vaccine HERE.

For a tutorial detailing the registration process, click here or hit the arrow on the video in this post.


Ridgefield Covid Vaccine Tutorial

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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