Ridgefield Public Schools provides information to help you prepare to register your child for kindergarten
❑ All children who reach the age of five (5) on or before January 1, 2022 are eligible for enrollment.
❑ Under Connecticut State Statutes, the mandatory age for children to start school is five. Any parent who chooses to exempt his/her child from kindergarten must meet with the local school principal to complete exemption papers.
Parents may choose to turn in their registration documents two ways:
1. They may email their registration documents to the district registrar (dsmyth@ridgefieldps.net). Documents required for registration are located on our website; www.ridgefield.org/registration_and_immunizations
2. They may pick up a packet of registration documents that will be in a manila envelope in the Central Office vestibule. They may return the completed documents to the same location.
While we do register students throughout the year, submitting your registration in February and early March is preferred for school planning purposes and for families to get the maximum benefit of the transition process.
REGISTRATION DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED (received at RPS registrar’s office as soon as ready, preferably in February and March)
● Ridgefield Public Schools registration form.
● A clear copy of the student’s birth certificate or unexpired passport. The certification seal must be clearly visible. ● Parent/guardian photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or state ID card).
● Proof of residence (warranty deed, mortgage statement, tax bill, or lease agreement and two utility bills). Please refer to the registration page on the District website for additional details on acceptable proof of residency.
HEALTH INFORMATION (can be submitted with registration paperwork now or submitted to the school nurse later this spring)
● The Connecticut State Department of Health requires proof of immunizations (NEEDED AT REGISTRATION) and a complete physical examination within one year of entry. This information should be recorded on the Connecticut Health Assessment Record.
○ Proof of the following immunizations with specific dates signed and stamped by your physician: DTaP, Polio, MMR, Hep B, Varicella, Hib, Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A. The detailed schedule of immunization requirements for enrolled students in Connecticut schools can be found on the RPS website, immunization requirements.
After your registration paperwork has been submitted and processed, the registrar will send out a confirmation email with the PowerSchool parent portal account information. This confirms that your child has been pre-enrolled as a kindergarten student for the upcoming school year.
The home school will receive notification of your registration and will contact you to set up a virtual meeting to welcome you to the school and review health information. Each school has designated days for this purpose:
- BMES - Wednesday, March 24, Wednesday, April 7
- Branchville - Wednesday, March 17, Wednesday, March 31
- Farmingville - Friday, March 19, Thursday, April 8
- Ridgebury - Thursday, March 25, Thursday, April 1
- Scotland - Tuesday, March 16, Tuesday, March 30
- VPES - Tuesday, March 23, Tuesday, April 6
- Submitting your registration paperwork as soon as possible secures a meeting time. Arrangements can be made for registrations that come in later than these meeting times allow.
In the spring, schools traditionally hold a one hour “Mini-Kindergarten” experience for all incoming students. Also, schools conduct a kindergarten parent orientation to present the kindergarten experience.
More information on these special transition events will be announced at a later time and communicated to families of registered students. Registering your child early ensures that you will be included in these communications. We are looking forward to going on this journey together and to the partnership we will form along the way.
Barlow Mountain Elementary School 894-5800
Branchville Elementary School 894-5850
Farmingville Elementary School 894-5570
Ridgebury Elementary School 894-5875
Scotland Elementary School 894-5825
Veterans Park Elementary School 894-5525
If you have any questions on the process or need to speak to your school, here are the main office numbers for our elementary schools: