Hunting for Houses in Ridgefield: Housatonic Habitat and Affordable Housing Join Forces to Find Suitable Building in Town

Housatonic Habitat for Humanity was founded by Ridgefielders in 1991 and is supported by Ridgefield donors and volunteers. But Habitat has not yet had the opportunity to build in Ridgefield.

To celebrate its 30th birthday, Housatonic Habitat is joining with the Ridgefield Affordable Housing Committee to identify a suitable building opportunity in town.

The ideal site is served by town sewer and water, or by an existing well and septic system. (A site with no water and septic is a possibility, but it may make the project cost-prohibitive.)

Over three decades, Housatonic Habitat has built 34 homes for deserving working families. Working with volunteers and materials and services from local business, Habitat builds or renovates a home that is sold to a highly qualified working family who lives or works in the region. Habitat’s cost savings are passed on to the homeowner in the form of a low purchase price and subsidized affordable mortgage.

Habitat, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is seeking a donation of land or a favorably reduced price. The value of the contribution is tax-deductible, and there are many estate-planning gift options available as well.

If you would like to know more, please contact Fran Normann, Executive Director, at (203) 744-1340 or

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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