Local businesses in Ridgefield are now eligible to earn a Green Business Award to publicize and celebrate their eco-friendly practices. Ridgefield High School junior, Alexia Anglade, has earned her Girl Scout Gold Award by creating the award and corresponding website.
Alexia worked closely with a team from the Ridgefield Action Committee for the Environment and the Norwalk River Shed Association. She researched eco-friendly practices and learned about other communities that have similar awards. Alexia also designed and developed the website www.greenawardct.org where businesses can learn more and apply. The site also contains helpful information for consumers who are looking for more sustainable ways of living.
The Green Award is based on a point system. Businesses that earn enough points can display a special decal to alert customers and prospects of their green practices. They will also receive support and publicity to recognize their achievement. Those that qualify will receive a free window decal signifying that they meet the standards, and they will have their names listed on the Green Awards CT and the Norwalk River Watershed websites as a sign of appreciation and support for their efforts.
Alexia was motivated to create the award as she wanted to make an impact on climate change and other environmental issues such as reducing waste while simultaneously supporting the small businesses that make Ridgefield and surrounding communities so charming.
“We were thrilled when Alexia came to us with this idea. Once her project is established in Ridgefield, we would like to introduce it in the other six watershed towns,” says Louise Washer, president of the Norwalk River Watershed Association, “The window decals will be a great way to support and recognize the many local businesses that have adopted environmentally sustainable practices, and Alexia’s checklist for businesses will provide ideas for more action.”
Alexia wishes to thank the people who helped her. She adds, “I am very thankful for the support from my Girl Scout Gold Award mentor, Carol O’Connell, as well as my project liaison, Kristin Quell-Garguilo of Ridgefield Action Committee for the Environment and Louise Washer and the entire team at Norwalk River Shed Association.”
For more information on how to apply for and learn about the Green Award please visit www.greenawardct.com.
Learn more about the Girl Scout Gold Award at https://www.girlscouts.org/en/our-program/highest-awards/gold-award.html