Summer Smiles in Ridgefield
Enjoying summer days close to home, at events and venues unique to your hometown, are some of the most memorable experiences in life (plus, you can get cozy in your own bed at the end of a fun-filled day).
Our series “What makes you crack a smile” highlights the local people, places and events that make our community an enjoyable place to live.
Get your flip-flops and summer ON and find out what makes Chris Nolan crack a smile!
Tell us about your favorite summertime destination in Ridgefield.
I might have answered differently before these hot, humid spells of weather. Two of my grandchildren came to visit--aged 4 and 2--I'm not sure there is enough to entertain them at my house. And the extreme heat makes going to a park questionable. So, we went to the Parks and Rec pool and swam for 2+ hours--plus it was my first time at Spray Bay. Perfect choice for these kids and ME! I'm so glad we have such an array of offerings in Ridgefield
What community event do you look forward to attending? How does it make you feel?
What summer activity in your town makes you crack a smile?
I'm a big fan of the night sky. I love to sleep outside and watch for the Perseids meteor shower--usually in mid-August, I catch hundreds of shooting stars. Because Ridgefield has some open land, you can see these better than if you were in a city environment. I look forward to these every year.
Want to share your bubly days of summer with HamletHub? Click here.