Ridgefield Police Department's three recruits graduate from 375th Session at the CT Police Academy

On Saturday, Ridgefield Police Department's three recruits graduated from the 375th Session at the CT Police Academy.

"We are proud of them and looking forward to them starting their Field Training Program, with some of the finest FTO’s in the state," the Department said.

Pictured below from left to right is Chief Kreitz, Ofc. Bloom, Ofc. Luis, Ofc. Theodore and Major Platt.

And yes, if Ofc. Luis looks familiar that’s because his father is Ofc. Fernando Luis, who’s been a Ridgefield Police Officer for the past 25 years. 

Thank you for protecting and serving the great community of Ridgefield! We look forward to seeing you around town!

To view additional photos, visit Ridgefield Police on social media here.

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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