Q&A with Ridgefield High School actors from The Play That Goes Wrong opening Novmeber 2!

This week, RPS Update talked to two of the leads of the Ridgefield High School fall play The Play That Goes Wrong in anticipation of opening night on November 2. Get your tickets HERE.

Sophomore Casey Fischer plays Jonathan (Charles Haversham) and junior Lloyd Mills plays Max Bennett.

Q: Is this your first RHS play?

CF: Yes, this is my first time acting in an RHS production at all, and I couldn't have asked for a better show.

LM: No, this is my 7th RHS production and one of my favorites!

What are you most excited about for this performance?

CF: Absolutely everything, this play is so funny and so involved with everyone in tech and on stage. This is also my favorite group of people in the world and performing with them is an actual dream.

LM: Agreed, everything about the show is so funny, and I can’t wait for people to see all of the work put in by our amazing cast, crew, and directors.

Q: This play utilizes a lot of props and physical comedy. What can audiences expect?

CF: Prepare to see me be absolutely clobbered by the other actors. Also, expect lots of action from the stagehands.

LM: There’s lots and lots of falling, from the people, the props, and some other things. Also, one of the best sword-fighting scenes ever.

Q: What is your rehearsal schedule like this week?

CF: We’re beginning tech this week, so we have 4-5-hour rehearsals in the evenings after school most days.

LM: Towards the start of the rehearsals they are only 3 hours long, then as we start tech and dress it becomes longer, around 4 hours.

*Image courtesy RPS

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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