Each year, the American Legion Post 78 led by Commander George Besse, presents our community Veterans Day Ceremony and invites Ridgefield's Ms President US to speak.
This year, eleven-year-old Georgia Ross, a student at East Ridge Middle School, shared her reflections on what our Veterans have done for America. Please take a moment to read her amazing speech below and listen by clicking the arrow in the second image.
Good morning and thank you for inviting me to join you today to honor the service of our country's military veterans.
As an 11-year-old, I've attended a few services to honor today. Most of these have been at school, and I've heard about the importance of paying respect to the country's heroes. But Veteran's Day hasn't always been something I could personally connect to.
This year, my first at East Ridge Middle School, I was encouraged to find out more about service members in my own family and my connection to the past. I started asking my grandparents about what they knew, and it turns out that their parents, aunts, uncles, and siblings have served in positions in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. Some were pilots, some were on the ground, and my great grandfather served as a doctor. I never knew any of this and I realized that some of that is because, during my lifetime, I have only known peace.
Sure, there is A LOT going on in this world, but generally I have always felt safe as an American living in the United States, and it is because of the service men and women, my own family members, that have served to protect us all, bravely and selflessly so that we can enjoy that feeling of safety.
Today, on this day of commemoration, I stand here with a greater understanding and am so grateful for the opportunity it has given me to grow, feel a part of history, and appreciate all the gifts of living in this country because of your service. I have learned that the purpose of this day is to know about what has been sacrificed to protect this nation.
Today is to remember that knowing our own history will help us as we move forward into the future.
Today I know that the service of your lives has touched mine, and I am truly humbled and grateful.
Thanks to all service members and God bless America."