Ridgefield Residents Named FCIAC Exemplary Scholar-Athletes, Spring, 2020

Congratulations to Ridgefield residents Brian Song and Caitlin Slaminko who were named FCIAC Exemplary Scholar-Athletes. 

Brian is an honor student and a four-year member of the boy's varsity tennis team. FCIAC says, "Brian has been a volunteer tennis coach and tutor at the Danbury Grassroots Academy, a non-profit organization, for the last four years."

According to FCIAC, Caitlin was a stand-out on the varsity girls soccer and girls lacrosse teams for four years and served as co-captain of both teams her senior year. She will be a student-athlete as a lacrosse player for Cornell University.

Read about Brian and Caitlin and the other scholar-athletes HERE.


Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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