Hail to the Chief! Political Caricature Exhibit Opens at Ridgefield Library November 6

Hail to the Chief! Political Caricature Exhibit Opens at Ridgefield Library on Sunday, November 6, 2:00 - 4:00 PM in the Lower Level Gallery.

To coincide with America's election of its forty-fifth president, Connecticut resident and caricaturist Robert Carley opens a show of our nation's chief executives past, present and future and celebrates the wit and wisdom of all of these history makers. Each of Carley's caricatures are surrounded by the president's or candidate's actual quotations and sayings.

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a double major in political science and fine arts, Carley had an internship with Rhode Island Senator Claiborne Pell in Washington, D.C. While living in Washington Carley contributed free-lance political cartoons to local publications including "Roll Call, The Newspaper of Capitol Hill." Carley's 100+ political caricatures have been exhibited most recently at Central Connecticut State University.

No registration required for the opening reception. The exhibit may be viewed from November 1 - 29 during the Library's open hours.

Ridgefield Library is located at 472 Main Street

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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