At the February 6, 2018, Ridgefield Planning and Zoning meeting, the Commission approved the mixed-use overlay zone for the development at 35 Old Quarry Road. The 35 Old Quarry Road building is a 3 story building, showcasing 16 two bedroom units, 5 of which will be affordable housing.
The lowest level of the building will host Ridgefield Storage Center, a 10,000 square foot climate controlled self-storage center. The storage center will boast interior access storage rooms in a finished hallway system, complete with bright lighting and wide hallways. The second and third level house the apartments.
The building itself was designed with the environment in mind. Solar panels will line the roof providing energy for all of the common areas and energy saving appliances will be used in all of the apartments.
In a statement read at the 2/6/18 Ridgefield Planning and Zoning meeting, developer Steve Zemo states “We are excited about taking our previously approved building and modifying the second floor for 5 affordable units and 3 market rate units. It’s the private sector generating affordable housing for our community without any tax credits without any payment in lieu of property taxes or Town subsidies. It offers rental units for area workers including workers in the new assisted living who will be caring for our elderly. The affordable housing component coupled with the energy efficient design with solar panels providing the bulk of the common area energy usage gives us a socially responsible building we are proud to be developing.”
The 35 Old Quarry project is scheduled to be complete in the fall of 2018. For more information please visit Ridgefieldapartments.com and ridgefieldstoragecenter.com and like our facebook pages www.facebook.com/RidgefieldAPTS/ and www.facebook.com/Ridgefield-Storage-Center-273224133173888.