Mystery Small Biz Cheerleader Tapes Sign on Ridgefield Running Company Door

Small businesses matter! The mystery local biz cheerleader is at it again! This time posting a sign of gratitude on the door of Ridgefield Running Company!

The kind words came on the heels of the first-ever virtual Run Like a Mother 5k, a beloved Mother's Day tradition.

Thank you, thank you, for keeping us in running order and for running like a mother

"This has been a hard time for all of us. Most days are tough, but we keep running. This makes me believe in our community, the one that rises and runs, to heal and move. Thank you, whoever taped this to our door," Megan Searfoss wrote on Facebook

Last week, Books on the Common was the grateful recipient of the special gratitude sign. 

Thank you, Ridgefield! Stay strong and keep running!

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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