Ridgefield Guild of Artists’ CameraWorks 2021, our juried biennial photography exhibition, opened yesterday, Saturday, February 27 and runs through Sunday, March 28, in the gallery and online.
This year's juror is Andrew 'Dizz' Delaney, Director and Head of Creative, Production and Custom Solutions for Getty Images. Of the nearly 100 pieces submitted, Dizz selected 55 for the show. He had this to say about his jury process:
“Photography is a broad church. Anything and everything goes. When you are faced with such a beautiful range of perspectives and executions, choosing ‘the best’ is tough. Where to start? I always begin with ‘visceral reaction’, move on to ‘clarity of message’, hover over ‘sheer beauty of execution’ and end with ‘was anything funny?’. Why funny? Because it’s the most difficult.”
RGOA is a tax-exempt 501c3 arts organization established in 1974 with a current membership of 300+ members. All contributions are gratefully accepted.