A bouquet of sunflowers and zinnias is a summertime classic. Redding's Homefront Farmers is selling “pick your own” and freshly-picked bouquets for $5 each!
Did you know? Over the past ten years, our team at Homefront Farmers has developed a business of building and maintaining organic vegetable gardens for families and businesses in the area. "As a team, we are passionate about educating and growing delicious foods that started with vegetables and have evolved to include mushrooms, maple syrup and honey," they explain. This summer, Homefront Farmers unveiled a vegetable farm located in idyllic Redding on Picketts Ridge Road!
Homefront Farmers sells their produce at local farm markets – the farmstands are at Nod Hill Brewery and their farm located at 130 Picketts Ridge Rd, Redding. Stop by Tuesday - Sunday to say hello to the farmers and check out where and how your food is grown! Ask us questions and see how much food can be produced in a small plot.