What’s the Deal with Teens and Time Management? A Workshop for Parents

The talk is geared to parents of teens!   

Time management is a challenge for everyone, but it is a particularly daunting challenge for middle and high school students. There is an expectation that "at their age" they should be independent and know how to get things done on their own. But teens are busier than ever. Between homework, school, afterschool activities, family, friends, jobs, and more, teens often find that their time is truly NOT their own. Add to that the fact that they often lack the tools to most effectively manage their time. 

Perhaps it’s a little unrealistic for parents to expect their teenagers to instinctively know how to manage time - But, given the right tools, we can help them help themselves!

This Workshop will cover the following topics and there will be plenty of time for Q&A
  • The FIVE mindsets parents need to start their teen on to acheive time management awareness
  • How to create a “Personal Homework Profile” to better understand how your teen tackles homework
  • How to help your teen create a sense of time and develop “future awareness”
  • How to pick an appropriate paper or electronic academic planner so that they can properly plan their time
Leslie will also have copies of her newest book (baring the same name as the workshop!) “What’s the Deal with Teens and Time Management”, which takes parents through a step-by-step process of teaching their teens the time management skills they need to succeed — at school, at work and in life!

The book is a user-friendly guide full of best practice solutions for helping teens stay on top of their homework, avoid procrastination traps, get out the door in the morning with minimal conflict, and manage the use of their electronics.  In a readable, breezy and witty fashion, Josel opens the door to the world of time management, what it really means, why it’s important and why your teen probably doesn’t “get it.”  And throughout the book, Josel offers up the “Triple Ts” – her tried and true Tips, Tools and Techniques – to provide support and guidance for parents looking to help their teens understand, develop and implement time management skills.

Time Management is a Life Skill that Doesn’t Come Naturally to Everyone. But It Can be Learned.

About The Instructor / Leslie Josel is the founder of Order Out of Chaos, an organizing consulting firm specializing in student organization and chronic disorganization and creator of the award-winning “Academic Planner: A Tool for Time Management”®. She brings over a decade’s worth of professional experience working one-on-one with teens and their families, speaking to teachers, parent and professional groups across the country, as well as the perspective of a mother of a time-challenged teen, to create a parent’s indispensable guide through the time management journey with their teen.


Thursday, February 26, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (EST)

North Broadway, Tarrytown, NY


Submitted by Rivertowns

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