Reopening New York: Phase 1 May 15th

There is Good News
As of this writing, the North Country will join the Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, and Mohawk Valley in reopening on Friday, May 15th. These regions have met all seven metrics required to begin phase one of the state's regional phased reopening plan. 
Phase one includes reopening construction, manufacturing, retail for curbside and in-store pickup, agriculture, forestry, and fishing. On May 13th, Governor Cuomo released clear and specific guidelines for Phase 1 industries.
We are confident that similar guidelines are forthcoming for all industries across all reopening Phases. 
What You Need to do Now
Businesses, particularly those designated as a Phase 1 industry, should view the summary guidelines, affirm the Safety Plan Template, Print and Display your plan so it is visible to the Public. Adopting the industry Phase 1 guidelines will work towards preparing your business NOW. To date, Putnam County has achieved five out of seven benchmarks to enter Phase 1. Other regions are beginning to open and we believe we are right behind them. If we continue to practice social distancing, wear masks and use hand sanitizer as recommended, I think we can get to Phase 3, possibly by the end of the summer. 
Access the new Reopening Phase 1 Industry Guidelines: CLICK HERE:
Submitted by Somers, NY

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